Stem Cell Banking in Dawsonville, GA

As a result of advances in regenerative medicine, several remarkable procedures that promote the ability of the body to self-heal have been pioneered and developed. One exciting area is that of stem cell therapy. 

What are stem cells, and why are they so valuable?

Stem cells refer to the undifferentiated cells in the body that possess the ability to generate new cell types. As drawn from stem cell-rich areas in the body, they offer the potential to either generate new stem cells or differentiate into specialized cells like those in bones, heart muscle, nerves, and other organs and tissues. In medical applications, stem cells play a crucial role in regenerating damaged and diseased tissue and treating chronic, auto immune, and previously incurable diseases.

Getting valuable stem cells from a troublesome wisdom tooth

While the umbilical cord and placenta represent the most common places to harvest stem cells, valuable stem cells can also get harvested from baby teeth and healthy adult extracted teeth. However, most adult teeth recommended for extraction will have extensive decay or damage. The good news is that wisdom teeth are different. Troublesome as they are, wisdom teeth frequently get extracted due to a lack of space or impaction. And without damage to the dental pulp, they represent an excellent stem cell source. 

Banking stem cells represents an investment in the future

As unlikely as it is that you or a loved one will need the stem cells when the tooth gets extracted, there's a chance those stem cells will get needed down the road. For this reason, we recommend banking those stem cells. At North Georgia Oral Surgeon, we partner with StemSave, the largest dental stem cell bank and the one frequently chosen by families, dentists, and health professionals across the country.

StemSave uses cryopreservation, a meticulously controlled method for preserving stem cells. Specialized freezers using precisely managed temperature reduction help ensure the highest number of viable stem cells will be available to you, a family member, or a loved one when needed— even decades later.

Are you still thinking about banking dental stem cells?

Look at all the ways stem cells can help you, your loved ones, and others:

  • Accelerating a stalled recovery, alleviating pain, replacing damaged tissues and organs 

  • Treating blood-related disorders like leukemia

  • Bone marrow transplants for cancer and immune disorders

  • Treating neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Parkinson's)

  • Heart disease therapy, repairing damaged heart tissue

  • Osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal conditions

  • Diabetes treatment and insulin-producing cells

  • Eye diseases (macular degeneration, retinal disorders)

  • Research into potential cures for various diseases

Want to see if Stem Cell Banking is right for you?

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Our Stem Cell Banking Process: What To Expect


Initial Consultation

To begin the process, your Dawsonville oral surgeon at North Georgia Oral Surgeon will perform a comprehensive oral exam, complete with imaging of your face and cheekbones. They will discuss all of your options for treatment, including zygomatic implants, and help you choose the procedure that’s right for you.

Implant Placement Surgery

Once you’ve been approved, you’ll schedule your implant placement surgery. To begin the process, your mouth will be numbed and you’ll be sedated for your comfort. Then, your oral surgeon will create an opening in your upper jaw, and place each zygomatic implant using a special drill. These implants anchor to the strong cheekbone, rather than the maxillary (jaw) bone.

Immediate implant loading

After they’ve placed your implants, your oral surgeon can place new teeth right away. Zygomatic implants are very strong, so they can immediately be loaded with implants as they heal.

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Healing and Recovery

After your surgery, you’ll get recovery instructions from your oral surgeon. After a couple of weeks, your mouth will feel normal. However, it may take 6-8 months or longer for your zygomatic implants to permanently bond with your bone tissue. You’ll come back to our office several times for follow-ups to check your progress.